Welcome back to my blog, friends! I was recently contacted by MPM School Supplies to do a review of their company. They are a family owned and operated online educational supply store with which I was very pleased to work with. Keep reading to learn about my experience and enter to win a $50 MPM School Supplies gift card!
To begin with, their website is very user friendly. It has categories which help you navigate and easily find the resources you are looking for. I found what I needed and the checkout process went smooth and hassle free. The shipping was extremely fast, and I found this box on my doorstep in four days!
So let’s begin with what I ordered:
This year, I am maintaining a chalkboard theme throughout my classroom and there were many resources I found to add and extend my theme. I started adding all things “chalkboard” to my cart. I found a great behavior clip chart. I love how it reinforces behavior and also encourages wise choices. They also have these behavior desktop reminders will be a great visual for me to redirect or reinforce student behavior by just approaching their desk and pointing to how they’re doing.
This next set is amazing! I will be using these for my guided reading centers for students to visually see what group they should be in. What’s great about them, is that they are magnetic! Easy to adjust for differentiation within my groups. The restroom passes are also magnetic, yay!
There are also many Spanish supplies, even Spanish rugs. I found this cute Spanish poster I will display right at my door for students to see when they walk in. It also matches my classroom décor perfectly!
Look at these folders! I am completely obsessed with making these last a long time. I am going to be laminating them and will use them to organize data, student information, gradebook copies, etc. Once again, they match perfect with my classroom theme.
Erasers are the first to go in my classroom. I knew I needed TWO boxes of these!
I saved the best for last. These buzzers are AMAZING. I will use them as attention grabbers and for student engagement during reading. I am certain the sound and lights will encourage my 2nd graders to participate and keep them engaged.
I was extremely pleased with my MPM School Supplies experience and highly recommend their educational supply store. I know I will be returning for more items throughout the school year!
Now, MPM School Supplies has kindly offered one $50 gift card for one of my blog readers. Just visit the MPM School Supplies and leave a comment bellow telling me what you would buy for your classroom. Include your email address so I can contact you! Good luck! Giveaway ends Friday, July 7th.