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Thursday, July 16, 2015

Learn Like A Pirate - Chapter 7

Hello everyone! Welcome back to our "Learn Like A Pirate" Book Study hosted by The Primary Gal. Today we are talking about Twenty-First Century Skills in the classroom. Today we are focusing on teaching children how to think not what to think.

I loved reading the about the 11 categories and the 34 skills that can help students face daily challenges in life and school. I will share about two of my favorite.

*Reflection and Awareness
Since my students are young, I really want my 2nd graders to start reflecting and thinking about their thinking (metacognition). This upcoming school year I am thinking about incorporating a journal where they will record their learning. Later on, they can revisit this journal to see how their thought process developed. Another way I plan to incorporate Reflection and Awareness is by having short interviews where students ask each other questions about what they learned.

*Initiative and Self Direction
This past year, my 2nd graders managed their time really well. However, I do want my students to actually set and measure appropriate goals not just know how to be aware of time.

I made a graphic with the categories to have as a handy reference in my lesson plan binder.

Click the picture if you'd like to download your own copy. 

So what Twenty-First Century Skills are you already successfully using in your classroom? Which could you improve on? Let me know in the comments below!

Before you go, make sure to subscribe to my email newsletter HERE. You will receive a FREE prefixes unit just for signing up and joining my email club!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Hilda, for the reference guide. Will be printing for my plan book. Second grade is a lovely place to be. Spent many years there. Currently in love with 4th graders!
    Happy Summer! D :)
